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JAM MUSIC LAB Session w/ Alice Marcon & Christina Baumfried@Loop

JAM MUSIC LAB Session w/ Alice Marcon & Christina Baumfried

Di., 06. Feb. 2018 07:00 @ Loop , Wien

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We are happy to present Alice Marcon and Christina Baumfried as the session opener on February 6th.
Come & Join the open stage after the performance!

Am 06.02 freuen wir uns Alice Marcon und Christina Baumfried als Sessionopener präsentieren zu dürfen. Im Anschluss hat jeder die Gelegenheit, die Bühne zu betreten!

Bring Your Instruments.

Free Entry!

Line Up:

Alice Macron - Voice
Christina Baumfried - Trombone
Gerald Stenzl - Guitar
Joachim Huber - Bass
Michael Naphegyi - Drums

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