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LoKos Defloration@P.P.C.

LoKos Defloration

Mi., 27. Mär. 2013 22:00 @ P.P.C. , Graz

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Entering a club in Graz, you always have the same commercial shit penetrating your ears. But this city can do better. LoKos is a platform for everyone who loves good electronica and dance music and who wants to share it. In corporation with visionary Dj´s from Graz we want to change the way people feel and think about music and to make them think outside their box.

DJ Line-Up coming soon!

more Infos @ http://www.facebook.com/LoKosGraz

Print@home Tickets gibt's auf www.soundportal.at/tickets bzw. www.popculture.at/tickets - oder direkt über den Ticket Reiter auf unserer Facebook Fanpage.

Kartenvorverkauf auch in allen Filialen der Steiermärkischen Sparkasse, Ermäßigung für spark7 premium members und im Zentralkartenbüro

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