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SubCULTUR3²³ < Soundsystem > M33TiNG@Club U

SubCULTUR3²³ < Soundsystem > M33TiNG

Fr., 02. Aug. 2024 22:00 @ Club U , Wien

Zur Webseite ...


Alternative Club-Rave and networking-platform for the underground Tekno Scene and soundsystem subculture.
Only Vinyl-DJ-Acts with finest selection of underground Tekno Sound out of the smooth TRIBE - MENTAL - ACID Subgenre´s.

-BL4cK_Sh3EP [D4rK[23]Ew0ks] AUT/Wien
-RoBeaT303 [An4log_R3s1st4nce] AUT/NÖ
-BiTcH-MoVe-OpErAtOr [An4log_R3s1st4nce] AUT/NÖ
-m1nd2urf3r [INF1niTY_TRIBE] AUT/NÖ

>only Vinyl-DJ-Acts all night long<
Partytime 22:00 -> "with a good vibe", till latest -> 6:00
!YOU are the PARTY!
Entry: 8.- incl. 1 Drink to start @ the Bar for Free!
Stickers for "free donate" @Entry.
[the money we get from the Club after the Rave is for the Artists and a little for all Part´s which help create this night for us + a little we save for the [D4rkF0r3st_23] "treasure chest" to create future projects]
If someone will show or sell subculture art or clothing or slefmade sound-> we are open for that and find a place for it-> its enouth place @CLUB U ! just contact us on fb/insta.
Last but not least we drop the INFO in this night for the next and first FREE PARTY from the new collab out of "DARKFOREST CREW" & "EWOK CONSPIRACY" with the name in the deep beautiful Forest of the 23 District of Vienna...its also Tom Spirits 40er Bdaybash, so stay tuned. and be a part. So we have flyer with Infoline and a little whatsapp group link for ya this night...

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