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It's easy Mmmkay

in diesem Monat 11 mal betrachtet

It's easy Mmmkay gegründet am 08.07.2008
Linz-Land, Oberösterreich Land:AT
Art der Mitgliedschaft
Freie Mitgliedschaft
Art des Zugriffs
Öffentliche Gruppe


Alle die Southpark kennen und die es lieben, bitte hier eintragen!!

There are times when you get suckered in,
by drugs, alcohol, and sex with women, mmmkay,
But it's when you do these things too much,
that you become an addict,
and must get back in tooouuuch

You can do it,
It's all up to you mmmkay
With a little plan you can change your life today.
You don't have to spend your life addicted to smack,
Homeless on the streets giving hand jobs for crack.
Follow my plan and very soon you well saaay,
It's a easy mmmkay.

Step one, instead of ass say buns,
like "kiss my buns' or "you're a bunshole"!
Step two, instead of shit say poo,
as in "bull poo" "poo head" and "this poo is cold"
Step three, with bitch drop the 'T'
'cause bich is latin for generosity!
Step four, don't say fuck anymore,
'cause fuck is the worst word that you can say,
so just use the word mkay!

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