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Big Bada Booom - your electronic way to party!@Rohrbäckerstad

Big Bada Booom - your electronic way to party!

Sa., 19. Mai. 2012 20:00 @ Rohrbäckerstad , St.Florian

Eintritt: VVK: € 5,- / AK: € 9,-


"BIG BADA BOOOM" -festival hosted by P.M.T.- Personalmanagement & JungeGeneration - St.Florian proudly presents:

B.D. Funkstar / Gianluca / Pete Distracted / DanVans b2b Djane Saha / Philectro / Bunja Dimanu / Filipe Hernandez

live auf 2 Floors...
Die erste Auflage des "BIG BADA BOOOM- festival in Rohrbach/St.Florian rückt immer näher - am 19.Mai ist es soweit und der "Rohrbäckerstadl" lädt zum Feiern ein.

Main Floor (Techhouse / Techno / Minimal):
☆ B.D. Funkstar ☆
(EME / Rave on Snow / Fullmoon Party)

From the beginning music was a very important part in B.D.Funkstar's life. 15 years ago his parents opened a bar with dancing where he played hip-hop, rock and dance for the younger generation.

In 1997 he got into electronic music and it didn't take a long time to get his first vinyls and 1210’s. One year later he founded "Tribe-Events" which made it possible to organize his first own parties. T...ime after time he got more and more people interested in his kind of music and other dj's joined his organization as well.

From 01-03 he additionally worked as a recorddealer at "Danube-Records” in Linz what as a matter of cause proved to be helpful as well. The following years he was involved in a cooperation called "Connected2" which used to be one of the leading techno agencies in Austria. As time went by he finally clubed together with Padre El Ferenco’s ElectronicMusicEvents and Criminal Bookings by Adrian Valera which are his homebases up to now. Into the bargain he’s also working as a producer and together with Boris S. he has already released on Skulltunes and Synopsis. His powerful perfomances are always characterized by his ability to respond to the crowd.

The latest project brought together B.D.Funkstar & Errol Dix. The Ca$h Money Brothers stand up for Tribal Techno combined with vocals, loops and effects on 4 turntables & 2 mixers.
☆ Gianluca ☆
(EME / Elektronikka / ConnectI2)

‘Wild Boy’ Gianluca grew up in a small village near Linz, Austria.
Nothing much happened there really,
but he did learn that one can’t achieve much without working hard.
He is a true hedonist but a workaholic as well.
His colleagues know him for his no-nonsense & ass-kicking mentality.

At the age of 22, the young talent has already played for thousands of people
at events and clubs all over Austria, including Unite Parade in Salzburg,
Cembran Cellar Linz, Camera Vienna
and the famous Hypnotic at Pyramide Vösendorf as well.
He also has his residency at the Minimalicious Event Series at Yum Yum Club, where acts like Marco Bailey, Kosheen, Lützenkirchen, Felix Kröcher,
Gayle San and many many more have played.
In 2009 he released his first tune on Gaetano Verdi´s label ‘Oktant Records’,
which you can also find on the Urban Art Forms “black” Mix Compilation.

His DJ sets are nothing short of phenomenal - variing from deep,
intricate, chugging techno, to jackin´ tech house,
into huge anthemic house moments in the classic vein.
Always pursuing his love for techno - both industrial-edged thumpers and deep, soulful House and Minimal moments, with some melodic beauties along the way.

☆ DanVans b2b Djane Saha ☆
(im:takt / inntakt) (ODA Rec. / Tauchgang / im:takt)
☆ Philectro ☆
(Eleganthypnosis / Stonewall / Cembrankeller)
☆ Bunja Dimanu ☆
(Eleganthypnosis / Tanzgeil)

Für feinste elektronische Tanzmusik, wird auf dem Mainfloor gesorgt sein!!!

Side Floor (House / Progressive House):
☆ Pete Distracted ☆
(Resident Lusthouse Haag)

Pete Distracted alias Peter Hofer erblickte 1985 das Licht der Welt.
Fasziniert von elektronischer Musik fand er mit (Hard)techno und House seine bevorzugten Richtungen.
Die ersten “ Bühnenerfahrungen“ sammelte Pete in kleineren Clubs und bei privaten Festen,
bald wurde er jedoch auch für beliebte Events wie Schranz Total, Big Sunflower, Infidelity, uvm, sowie für warm up..s bei Pet Du...o, Felix Kröcher, Arkus P, Robert Natus und andere engagiert.
Außerdem ist er in einer eigenen Web-Radiosendung auf clubsoundz.fm zu hören!
Die Zeiten ändern sich, vieles wird anders, so auch bei Pete Distracted.
Er entdeckte erneut seine große Liebe zum House und deshalb gibt’s für ihn nur mehr eine Musikrichtung!
Danach richten sich auch seine Sets. Stark geprägt von „Navida Music“ und vielen anderen national und
international bekannten Produzenten verzaubert er nun seit 2009 alle, die sich mit House/Elektro/ Minimal
identifizieren können!
Mitte 2009 gelang ihm ein weiterer großer Schritt nach oben auf seiner Karriereleiter. Pete gewann ein wichtiges DJ Casting. Nun ist er auch weit über die Grenzen OÖ bekannt und spielt seither in div. Clubs und Großdiskotheken in ganz Österreich. Auch beim Produzieren tut sich einiges, und es dauert nicht mehr lange bis seine erste Single auf den Markt kommt.

support by:
☆ Filipe Hernandez ☆
(Stonewall / Cembrankeller)

Eintritt ausnahmslos ab 16 Jahren.
(auch nicht mit Begleitperson)

VVK.- 5€ erhältlich ab 16.April in allen Florianer Trafiken und der Sparkasse St. Florian sowie bei den Veranstaltern persönlich!
AK.- 9€

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