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DOOMINA Releaseshow Klagenfurt support Manic Youth@Volxhaus - Klagenfurt

DOOMINA Releaseshow Klagenfurt support Manic Youth

Sa., 03. Nov. 2018 20:00 @ Volxhaus - Klagenfurt , Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

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DOOMINA is back.
Louder and better than ever before. The post rock quartet consisting of Daniel Gedermann (guitar), Lukas Geyer (guitar), Erich Kuttnig (drums) and Christian Oberlercher (bass), which was founded in 2006, is releasing its fourth album called “Orenda”. It all started with DIY rehearsal room demos, after which “Elsewhere” came out in 2012. It was followed by “Beauty”, which was created in the phenomenal atmosphere of an enormous wine cellar and released in 2013. The self-titled album “Doomina” (2015) led the four musicians back to their rehearsal room and the perfection to which they aspire in terms of songwriting, production and, first and foremost, sound.
Their journey, which by no means ends here, has yielded their latest album. “Orenda” is the force that connects all living things, spirits and elements; in that same way it connects the listener with the four souls of Doomina.

Manic Youth

Manic Youth; Dongsu, Max und Maurice vereinen gitarrenlastigen alternative rock,
dream pop, 90s love & lo-fi drinks in einem grenzenlosen Leben in der Luft.
Immer eigenartig, immer ehrlich. Mit der schlichten Formation von Gitarre, Schlagzeug und Bass verstehen es die drei Zwangsmelancholiker ihre verworrenen Gedanken zum Ausdruck zu bringen; nervös-gitarrenlastig und lyrisch-verträumt, irgendwo angelehntim diy-indie Pop der kommenden Stunde. Denn sie wissen wie sie leben und wie es um sie steht. Ewigschnelllebige, am Wasser gebaute Songs erwecken Emotionen die es ermöglichen, dass die eigene Jugend mit all ihrem Wahnsinn und ihren dunklen Momenten, nicht in Nostalgie, sondern in Euphorie zelebriert wird.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/manicyouthband/
Homepage: www.manicyouth.at
Bandcamp: https://manicyouth1.bandcamp.com

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