Sa., 03. Mai. 2008 20:00 @ Krumböckhalle , Markersdorf an der Pielach
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Eintritt: VVK: € 6,- / AK: € 7,-
2 Floors
* Punk/Rock/Ska/Emocore
* Ragga, Oldies, 80ies, Partymusic
3 Bands @ 1st Floor
* Fire In The Attic (D)
* Piracy (D)
* Skabucks
3 DJ-Soundsysteme
* INDIEander Sound (1st Floor - Aftershow)
* DJ FM (2nd Floor)
* Tu-Gedda Sound (2nd Floor)
* Duff-Beer
* Flaming Moe
* Moe's Taverne-Bar
* Punk/Rock/Ska/Emocore
* Ragga, Oldies, 80ies, Partymusic
3 Bands @ 1st Floor
* Fire In The Attic (D)
* Piracy (D)
* Skabucks
3 DJ-Soundsysteme
* INDIEander Sound (1st Floor - Aftershow)
* DJ FM (2nd Floor)
* Tu-Gedda Sound (2nd Floor)
* Duff-Beer
* Flaming Moe
* Moe's Taverne-Bar
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