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The Hottest Female Djane Da Candy@Platzl Pub Gasteig

The Hottest Female Djane Da Candy

Sa., 07. Dez. 2013 22:00 @ Platzl Pub Gasteig , Sterzing

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from Kiew to Gasteig

DJ Da Candy is The Hottest International Female DJ, producer, model, singer, MC, dancer. The entertainer, who burns up the dance floors all over the world.

DJ Da Candy rocks the top clubs in UAE, Switzerland, France, China, Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, Turkey and Russia. DJ made bright shows in Europe including successful national and international club tours.

DJ DA CANDY's spinning around the world got results and her fame came in 2012!

DJ made interviews, shooting for main magazines and TV channels: France FHM, Gutz, Crazy magazine, Entrevous as well as interview in FHM Philippines and Star TV Switzerland. In France she was one of the finalists in the World top Girls DJs contest

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