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The OD & Speaking Silences Live@Die Feile

The OD & Speaking Silences Live

Sa., 29. Aug. 2015 18:00 @ Die Feile , Wien

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> THE OD >> Last euch überraschen!
> Speaking Silences >> https://soundcloud.com/speaking-silences/in-all-its-glory-demo

The OD ist ein junger Singer Songwriter der sein debüt in der Feile gibt.

Speaking Silences
Sounds in the silence – a guitar, a voice, a bass, a voice; a song.
Torn from the heart, delivered with a fevered soul. Speaking?
A whisper – a first whisper:

Now let the empty words corrode
That feed upon your roaring soul
There was a hint a whispered line
A waltz composed in dead man’s time
Something too beautiful to grasp
Making thaw that iron mask
That like a wintry icy blur
Had covered up the dreams that stir
Beneath our fragile, fevered skin –
This life it is a wondrous thing.

Listen: soundcloud.com/speaking-silences

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