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in diesem Monat 19 mal betrachtet

DRIVING FORCES RECORDS gegründet am 09.09.2009
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THE_SPELL (alias Manuel Walzl) had with 14 years very great interest in electronic music and this technology. He followed the story of XXX productions and idolized their albums favorite tools! But only with 23 years, he bought 2 x technics 1210, plus a 2 channel mixer and he never came away from spell the music! In 2006, he became familiar with the DJ Chris Morgan and goes to his booking agentur giants music…. After many appearances as (Tunnel Club, Chembran Cellar, Deluxe Festival, Kolmgut Prambachkirchen and some smaller clubs parted the ways again! 2008 was the year of his dreams, because he had his first contact with XXX productions vienna. He worked at the events, such as Gazometer, Complexx, Overdrive….and played at the legendary Gazometer after hour (Volksgarten, Empire Vienna).

The most important thing at this time was, that he met a wonderful people-

Sutter Cane!

Meanwhile, his best friend and label owner of DRIVING FORCES RECORDS. through the join to the label DVR , comes always more

Members (4)

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