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Sorry I cant... I have to dance

in diesem Monat 14 mal betrachtet

Sorry I cant... I have to dance gegründet am 15.06.2009
Sport & Fitness
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Öffentliche Gruppe


♥ "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself."

♥ "Dancers are the only athletes who aren't allowed to show how much it hurts."

♥ "Dancing appears glamorous, easy, delightful. But the path to the paradise of that achievement is not easier than any other. There is fatigue so great that the body cries, even in its sleep. There are times of complete frustration; there are daily small deaths.

♥ "Dancing allows me to explore myself in so many ways, to learn about my limitations and strengths, my ability to cope with adversity and to go farther than I thought I could. You find out what you're made of."

♥ "The heart of the dance is the heart of the dancer."

♥ "Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances."

♥ "Dance is about never-ending aspiration."

♥ "....great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion"

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