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White Shine Clubbing 11 | New Location
Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011 um 21:00 @ SU Halle, Hofkirchen im TraunkreisLas Vegas Week Big Deal - 3 Freunde müsst ihr sein
Freitag, 27. Mai 2011 um 22:00 @ Musikpark-A1, LinzEnergy Night
Freitag, 27. Mai 2011 um 22:00 @ A-Danceclub, WienParty, Disco, Abfeiern, Energy, AT, Wodka, Bull, Longdrink, Roter Wodka, Double, 1200, Wien - Brigittenau, Handelskai 94-96,
Minimalbewegung presents Minimal Ladies @ Republic
Freitag, 27. Mai 2011 um 22:00 @ Republic-Cafe, SalzburgWe com to Dance - The sound of the last decade
Freitag, 27. Mai 2011 um 21:00 @ Altstadt reloaded, WindischgarstenLive from Hollywood
Freitag, 01. April 2011 um 20:00 @ Q-West, KufsteinQuiet, Unsicher, Music, Gitarrist, Dirty ^^, Außergewöhnlich, Links, Kompromisslos, Dezent, High, Herrlich, Harmonisch, Panther, ●•It, Rock, Amy Winehouse, John Lennon, Bass, Club, David Bowie, Live, Whitesnake, Zz Top, Honey, Hard, Drive, Guitar, Aretha Franklin, Caesars, Drums, Rain, Cult, Tattoo ♪♫, Cajun, Mtv , Band, Szene, David, Haare, Events, Bodybuilding, Biker, Hollywood^^, Konzert, AT, Gerhard, Pamela, Treiben, Generation, Label, Four, Wish, From, High Heels, Neunziger, Lennon, 6330, Kufstein, 2011, Münchner Straße 17
The Virgins Island Opening
Sonntag, 11. Mai 2008 um 20:00 @ BeachClub Copa Kagrana, Wien - DonaustadtNew And Classic Sounds From The London Scene
Samstag, 23. Februar 2008 um 21:00 @ Weekender Club, InnsbruckManchmal, Dance, ???,Good,???, Look, Samstag, Free, Here, Innsbruck, Rock, Maximo Park, White Stripes, World, Shout Out Louds, Indie, 80Er, Kaiser Chiefs, Everything, 90Er, 60Ies, Blur, Classic, Chemical Brothers, Franz Ferdinand, Libertines.., Pulp, Club, .Pop., Stimmung, Live, Sounds, 60Er, Strokes, Stones, Rock-Pop, The Jam, Joy Division, Dancefloor, Slow, Kinks, Caesars, Suede, Szene, London, Teddy, Park, AT, Kaiser, Gitarrensounds, ►Laune, From, White, 6020, Tschamlerstrasse 3
New And Classic Sounds From The London Scene
Samstag, 16. Februar 2008 um 21:00 @ Weekender Club, InnsbruckManchmal, Dance, ???,Good,???, Look, Samstag, Free, Here, Innsbruck, Rock, Maximo Park, White Stripes, World, Shout Out Louds, Indie, 80Er, Kaiser Chiefs, Everything, 90Er, 60Ies, Blur, Classic, Chemical Brothers, Franz Ferdinand, Libertines.., Pulp, Club, .Pop., Stimmung, Live, Sounds, 60Er, Strokes, Stones, Rock-Pop, The Jam, Joy Division, Dancefloor, Slow, Kinks, Caesars, Suede, Szene, London, Teddy, Park, AT, Kaiser, Gitarrensounds, ►Laune, From, White, 6020, Tschamlerstrasse 3
New and Clasic Sounds from the London Szene
Samstag, 02. Februar 2008 um 21:00 @ Weekender Club, InnsbruckManchmal, Dance, ???,Good,???, Look, Samstag, Free, Here, Innsbruck, Rock, Maximo Park, White Stripes, World, Shout Out Louds, Indie, 80Er, Kaiser Chiefs, Everything, 90Er, 60Ies, Blur, Chemical Brothers, Franz Ferdinand, Libertines.., Pulp, Club, .Pop., Stimmung, Live, Sounds, 60Er, Strokes, Stones, Rock-Pop, The Jam, Joy Division, Dancefloor, Slow, Kinks, Caesars, Suede, Szene, London, Teddy, Park, AT, Kaiser, Gitarrensounds, ►Laune, From, White, 6020, Tschamlerstrasse 3
Ground Control:The New RnB Club
Samstag, 29. Juli 2006 um 21:00 @ Caesars“ / Copa Cagran, WienParty, Music, Heiß, Dance, Samstag, Wien, Latin, Club, Latin Music, Caesars, Cocktails, AT, Leckere Cocktails, ... Personen, Open Air, Donauinsel ♥, 1220, 2100, Copa Cagrana, 2006