| |
Liebesstatus: | vergeben |
Herkunft: | CA  |
Zuletzt Online: | 22.06.2009 20:13 |
Alter: | 30 |
Location: | eatwooom |
Sternzeichen: | Waage |
Dabei seit: | 20.06.2009 |
Triff mich demnächst:
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Event in den Meetpoint ein um deinen Freunden zu zeigen wo man dich trifft!
About me
Hejja. (:
i am Bella. & i love surfinq,sinqinq, shoppinq & meetinq my friends. without my friends, coremanton would be sooo borinq. they mean everythinq to me & i can't without them.
J e s s e
u mean so much to me & your so important.
without u surfinq wouldn't make any fun.
& spendinq time with u is awesome!
love u.
(c) by Bella.