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Danceclub Overdrive - European Premiere@Ottakringer Brauerei

Danceclub Overdrive - European Premiere

Sa., 01. Dez. 2012 22:00 @ Ottakringer Brauerei , Wien

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Eintritt: VVK: € 18,- / AK: € 25,-



Am 1. Dezember strahlt mit Dance Club Overdrive ein neuer Stern am heimischen Partyhimmel!

In der vermutlich genialsten Location der Stadt, der Wiener Ottakringer Brauerei, werden bereits seit Wochen Vorbereitungen für die Europapremiere von Overdrive, dem Partyereignis des Jahres, getroffen.

Schriller, bunter, sexier und vor allem verrückter als alles zuvor soll es werden, wenn die Overdrive Community die neu umgebauten Hallen der Ottakringer mit hemmungsloser Partyenergie flutet!
Die Erwartungen sind hoch, sollen doch im Bezug auf Sound, Licht, Visuals, Musik Show und vor allem Stimmung, neue Maßstäbe gesetzt werden.

Dementsprechend kann sich auch das Lineup sehen lassen! Beispielsweise stehen mit GSP (WE Party Madrid, XLSIOR Festival Mykonos, Matinee Group & aktuelle Nummer 1 der Podomatic Charts) und Mr. Mola (La Demence Brüssel) zwei der derzeit angesagtesten House DJs des Kontinents an den Overdrive Turntables.
Unterstützung gibt's dabei vom Energy Club Files Star Tim Anderson, der gemeinsam mit seinen Mitstreitern den Overdrive Dancefloor so richtig rocken wird!







Official Overdrive Podcast: http://cluboverdrive.podomatic.com/entry/2012-09-17T08_14_13-07_00

DJ GSP (alias George Spiliopoulos) has been DJing in Greece for many years in the most important events and major clubs, until the winter 2010 when he started exporting his talent in UK wowing the London clubbers regularly in BEYOND, GRAVITY, GIGOLO and ONYX. His style is mostly Tech and Progressive House with a touch of Tribal and Spanish vocals. What made him popular to the international scene was his residency in XLSIOR FESTIVAL (Mykonos) since 2011. He has also played for WE Party. June 2012 was the break through for the next level as he was the Main DJ at the Opening Party of WE Pride Madrid 2012 and on the XLSIOR float during the Pride Walk were he received amazing feedback from the most demanding crowd. He will also be a Guest DJ at Circuit Festival 2012 (Barcelona).


Official Overdrive Podcast:

Mister Mola was born and grew up in Ghent/Belgium. (in 1978 ) His interest in dance music started when he started visiting the local clubs. In 2001 he started playing at the local gay club Paradox and he played there for many years. In 2006 he made his big step to Cologne when his friend asked him to play at a local Tea Dance party in the Lausch Gift. The organiser of the party liked his music style and started booking him for several parties.
Since then he has played in many clubs in Europe to Moscow like "LA DEMENCE" in Brussels /Belgium , "GREENKOMM" in Cologne/ Germany, "NIGHTCONTROL" in Cologne / Germany, "THE ONE X" as RESIDENT DJ in Brussels/Belgium, "RUBZZ" as RESIDENT too in Antwerp/ Belgium and many more.


Tim Anderson belongs to the most energetic, active and on-the-go personalities in the Austrian music business. He resides in the centre of Vienna and this is where he has found his oasis of creative sound ideas. Furthermore Tim is the host of the successful electronic music shows “Energy CLUB FILES”, "Carl Cox Global" and "Tiesto's Club Life" on Radio NRJ Austria. His tracks are always combined with the right groove. The exact formula for this is of course a well kept secret however. His professional studio work and ambitious networking have resulted in the ability to achieve even the most highest of hisgoals. The feedback on Tim’s production portfolio speaks for itself: His tracks are sure shots in the DJ cases of most international big players. Whether as producer, DJ or radio host: It remains exciting and eventful in the life of Tim Anderson. The courses for the future are set.


// Online from 18€

- www.ticketjet.at
- www.cluboverdrive.at

// Presale Outlets: 20€

- PROTEINSTORE Zollergasse 7 1070 Vienna www.proteinstore.at
- ES COLLECTION VIENNA Laimgrubengasse 4 1060 Vienna www.escollection.at

// Doors : 25€

★ DATE ★

December 1st 2012 – Doors open 22h


Ottakringer Brewery
Ottakringer Platz 1
1160 Vienna


By Monika Milde („You are the party, I am the guestlist“)

www.vipservice.at, office@vipservice.at, +43 664 204 77 40


// Eventjet - https://www.facebook.com/eventjet
// Proteinstore - https://www.facebook.com/proteinstore
// Redbull - https://www.facebook.com/redbull
// ES Collection Vienna - https://www.facebook.com/EScollectionvienna
// W – Raitinger - http://www.w-reitinger.at/
// NRJ Hit Music Only - https://www.facebook.com/energyoesterreich
// Vangardist Magazin - https://www.facebook.com/vangardist?
// BR Fashion - https://www.facebook.com/pages/BR-FASHION/
// Ottakringer - https://www.facebook.com/OttakringerBrauerei

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