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Living Legends #3  :: Tim Simenon Bomb The Bassuk x Dj D.b.h x D. Schaerf@Badeschiff

Living Legends #3 :: Tim Simenon Bomb The Bassuk x Dj D.b.h x D. Schaerf

Sa., 31. Aug. 2013 23:00 @ Badeschiff , Wien - Innere Stadt

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:::::::::::::::::::::::::: LIVING LEGENDS #3 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

It´s time for another LIVING LEGENDS Edition. Wir freuen uns auf Producerlegende TIM SIMENON alias BOMB THE BASS, der u.a Depeche Mode´s "Ultra" Album produzierte oder auch einen David Bowie Remix auf seiner Visitenkarte stehen hat. Mit seinem "Partner in Bass" Paul Conboy ist Tim dieses Jahr wieder mit brandneuem Bomb the Bass Material ins Rampenlicht zurückgekehrt.


► TIM SIMENON (Bomb the Bass/UK)

With big hitters such as ‘Beat Dis’, Bomb The Bass helped mould late 1980s acid house. Their linchpin, Tim Simenon, has led the group through a number of different incarnations, painting vivid pictures of modern culture on the albums ‘Clear’, ‘Unknown Territory’ and ‘Into The Dragon’.
More recently Bomb The Bass have settled as a duo, vocalist Paul Conboy providing lyrical complements to Simenon’s continually inventive productions. The duo have made arguably the best work under the moniker, with guests from Mark Lanegan to Fujiya & Miyagi (‘Future Chaos’), then a successful co-production with Gui Boratto (‘Back To Light’).

Simenon and Conboy return in 2013 with new single ‘Wandering Star’ and album ‘In The Sun’, both on Simenon’s new imprint O Solo Recordings, and will take their vividly inventive electro on tour.

► DJ D.B.H (Goalgetter)

► D. SCHAERF (Beatbureau, LDRM)


Doors: 23:00 CET
Entry: €8 <00h< €10

Ab 16:00h Barbecue Am.Ufer!


Badeschiff Vienna - https://www.facebook.com/BadeschiffVienna
Donaukanallände zwischen Schwedenplatz und Urania - 1010 Wien

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