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Resolut Special with Extrawelt@Flex

Resolut Special with Extrawelt

Sa., 12. Mai. 2007 23:00 @ Flex , Wien - Innere Stadt

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Eintritt: VVK: € 10,- / AK: € 8,- <23:00> € 10,- <00:00> € 12,-


» Extrawelt LIVE

[Cocoon//Border Community]

» caTekk


» Rantanplan


» Akva

Visuals by Luma & Launisch

Style: Soopertechn, Minimal Techno

- www.midimiliz.de

- www.resolut.at

- www.flex.at

@bout resolut:

re|so|lut : betont entschlossen u. mit dem Willen, sich durchzusetzen; in einer Weise sich darstellend, sich äußernd, die Entschlossenheit, Bestimmtheit zum Ausdruck bringt. siehe: minimaltechno; deep, treibend, resolut

@bout Extrawelt

Midimiliz are Arne Schaffhausen and Wayan Rabe, both coming from the Hamburg rural area.

After enjoying electronic music more and more besides school, they became record collectors and DJs in the beginning of the nineties. Through that passion for vinyl, they also got to know each other much better.

In 1998, countless gigs and several studio collaborations later, they conquered some borrowed equipment and a Mac, which lead to severe addiction within short time!

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