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yasminewiliams » _PaCiii_29
- dobrý deH,
Teaí ma, moje meno je láskavose, som bol záujem vo svojom profile, ke som to videl, a moja myse> bola dotyk vás kontaktovae, prosím, ak vám to nebude vadie, budem rád, keby ste ma kontaktovae s môj e-mail tu ([email protected]) pre mHa povedae rozumu Vás kontaktovae a poslae niektoré z mojich nových snímok, ktoré vám, pls chcem, aby ste mi napísae na môj e-mail a nie je tu v ako budem rád po
ujem od vás dobré, a to vaka a pekný deH.
Nice to meet you,my name is favor,i was interested in your profile when i saw it and my mind was touch to contact you,please if you don't mind,i will like you to contact me with my e-mail Here([email protected])for me to tell you reason's of contacting you and send some of my new pictures to you,pls i want you to write me on my email and not here in as i will be Glad to hear good from you,thanks and have a Nice day.
vor 3797 Tagen
01.03.2015 14:34